Encounter with Carla Salem, Artist
Encounter with Artist Carla Salem
“Paper is the silence of writing”
How did calligraphy become your personal medium?
My medium in terms of expression is paper. It is the tree that the paper starts from, actually. I chose paper because I thought that it was the silence of writing. I looked for silence in paper thinking that the...
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Encounter with Shahram Karimi, Artist
Encounter with Shahram Karimi, Artist
You were born in Shiraz in the Southwest of Iran where you spent your formative years, yet political exile has made you become a contemporary nomad, continually commuting between Germany (Cologne), Iran (Teheran, Shiraz) and The United States (New York City). Could you elaborate on your artistic...
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Rencontre avec Naila Kettaneh Kunigk - Galerie Tanit, Beyrouth
Rencontre avec Naila Kettaneh Kunigk - Galerie Tanit, Beyrouth
Vous exercez le métier de galeriste depuis plus de 40 ans. Quelles sont les principales évolutions de votre profession dont vous avez été témoin ?
Ces 40 années de pratique m’ont notamment gardée d’erreurs à ne pas commettre. Il ne s’agit pas d’exposer ses amis artistes par...
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Art as an Alternative Investment Asset III
Investing in art has multiple benefits. Art has several attractive return characteristics for a long term investor, including low correlations with other asset classes and that it holds up well during weak economic environments. Unlike stocks and bonds, art prices tend to have a positive correlation with inflation. The greatest risk involved in...
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Rencontre avec Hassan Darsi, artiste
Rencontre avec Hassan Darsi, Artiste
En 1995, vous fondez l’association La Source du Lion, à la fois “projet d’artiste” (au singulier) et espace de création, situé à Casablanca. Pourriez-vous nous parler de ce projet qui habite tant le lieu, la ville que votre pratique elle-même ?
“La Source du Lion” (Ain Assabouâ) répondait...
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Encounter with Andrée Sfeir-Semler - Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut
Encounter with Andrée Sfeir-Semler – Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut
You come from a filmmaking background. What led you to work in the contemporary art field? How is this background influence your practice as a gallery owner?
What mostly influenced my practice are my studies under the mentorship of Pierre Bourdieu, which...
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Art as an Alternative Investment Asset II
The relationship of art as an investment brings up the question of how can art have any correlation to a mainstream asset class? The consideration of art being lurched into the same field as stocks, bonds and shares, causes much dismay to many within the art community. Economists and banking institutions have quite responsibly shown the link...
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Rencontre avec Fadi Mogabgab - Galerie Fadi Mogabgab, Beyrouth
Rencontre avec Fadi Mogabgab – Galerie Fadi Mogabgab, Beyrouth
Fadi Mogabgab, qu’est-ce qu’un bon galeriste pour vous ?
Un bon galeriste se doit de défendre les artistes en qui il croit et surtout d’ouvrir de nouveaux horizons à son public. Il a pour rôle de sensibiliser à l’art, de le rendre accessible et de livrer les clés pour...
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Art as an Alternative Investment Asset I
The role of art is changing. Art is no longer just appreciated for its aesthetic value and the expression of its lofty ideals but as an investment. Developments within the art market have been followed almost as closely as those within the stock market. Prices paid for pieces have gained international publicity and art as an...
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