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Magazine: Venice vibe proves perfect for rising star Lana Khayat’s city debut, image alt
Venice vibe proves perfect for rising star Lana Khayat’s city debut
The Lebanese-born artist is now set to show her most abstract and intricate work to date at Abu Dhabi Art Lana Khayat’s first art exhibition in Venice inevitably delivered a multitude of memorable moments, but perhaps one of the more unexpected ones was the sense of belonging she felt on arriving in this magical global art hub.“When I landed in...
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Magazine: The strength of soft power, image alt
The strength of soft power
The British-Iranian art collector Mohammed Afkhami hopes that a new, not-for-profit, free-to-use virtual museum of contemporary and modern Iranian art will offer an alternative perspective and broaden the narrative on Iran, away from the headline news.  From bridging cultural divides to providing fascinating insights into societal developments,...
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Magazine: A convergence of a rich past and creative present, image alt
A convergence of a rich past and creative present
Contemporary creativity will once again meet inclusivity and serendipity in a historic setting, when ‘Forever is Now III’, Art D’Égypte’s most ambitious project to date, opens on the Giza Plateau. Work by SpY, photo credit AFPArt enthusiasts from all walks of life will once again have the opportunity to savour an incredible selection of...
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Magazine: A historic setting for pushing artistic boundaries, image alt
A historic setting for pushing artistic boundaries
With two groundbreaking curatorial focuses, a landmark outdoor exhibition and a list of galleries that includes 21 first-time participants, the 2023 edition of Contemporary Istanbul, on the Tersane, once again challenges the traditional art fair format, as its Chairperson Ali Güreli explains.This year marks the 18th edition of Contemporary...
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Magazine: A contemporary perspective on an age-old African custom, image alt
A contemporary perspective on an age-old African custom
In ‘Dancing Around the Fire’, Artscoops’ latest online show, co-curator Hyacinthe Kouassi draws on his childhood memories to explore the impact of new technology on traditional practices. Hyacinthe with a work by Jules DissoHyacinthe Kouassi is known for putting storytelling at the heart of his art projects, so it should come as no surprise that...
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Magazine: On people, places and perceptions, image alt
On people, places and perceptions
The Lebanese multi-disciplinary artist Carol Hobeika talks to Artscoops about the intense need she feels to ensure audiences feel as involved in her work when experiencing it as she did when creating it.Carol at ‘The City and I’ exhibition at the SursockDid you know from an early age that you wanted to become a visual artist?Definitely not - in...
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Magazine: A Contemporary Approach for a Historic Collection , image alt
A Contemporary Approach for a Historic Collection
The Beirut Museum of Art might not be opening its doors until 2027, but the groundwork on this landmark project is well under way, from repair and outreach work to cutting edge imaging and digitising, as Artscoops discovers.BeMA team, photo by Ricardo LabakiMuseum openings are always milestone events, but the work under way ahead of the launch...
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Magazine: Rethinking the Traditional Gallery Model for a New Generation, image alt
Rethinking the Traditional Gallery Model for a New Generation
No stranger to pushing boundaries and doing things differently, the London-based, international art dealer and advisor Taymour Grahne explains how he plans to avoid being part of a post-Covid art scene overload Taymour GrahneThe end of the Covid-19 pandemic understandably brought great celebration, heralding the relaunch of so many things dear...
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Magazine: Championing a More Interactive and Inclusive Art Scene, image alt
Championing a More Interactive and Inclusive Art Scene
As an educational, integrative platform, Art.Form is providing a welcome reminder that art’s worth needs to be viewed holistically, with the creative and social factors considered alongside its commercial Value.It all started with the October 2019 protests in Lebanon, where colourful illustrations and thought-provoking messages were sprayed onto...
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