Raw Art  exhibition image
16 October - 31 October, 2017

Raw Art



"One of the things that sets Raw Art apart from other genres, even related ones such as Street Art, is that it's actually made by non-artists," explains Eddy Choueiry.


"It's very often something that you see every day, but is creating no interest in its current state. The artist doesn't create the art, rather they point a finger or guide an audience so that they can see things in a fresh or different way."


"Someone comes along and sticks a poster on top of another, carelessly pulling off bits of paper, then another one appears and so on. After a while, I realised that you could see three or four posters in layers.

At the beginning, it was a combination of colours that interested me rather than the words. But then, I discovered that in a weird way, the layers were talking to each other."

Read Artscoops’ complete interview with Eddy Choueiry

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