Houda Terjuman
Follow ArtistLives in Morocco
“The history of my practice is overwhelmingly informed by my status as hybrid migrant, a condition associated to second generation migrants,” explains artist Houda Terjuman. “My father is Syrian, my mother is Swiss and I was born in Morocco…I cherished the status of hybridity which, to me, offers a rich mix of backgrounds, voices, and belongings.”
Born in Tangier, Morocco, Houda Terjuman (1970) is an artist whose practice recalls the language of Surrealism through dream-like paintings and floating sculptures. Exploring ideas of identity and displacement, she uses common items and natural elements as symbols in her work and then juxtaposes them against a particular setting.
Terjuman has exhibited in museums and institutions such as the Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris; Musée d’Art Contemporain Mohammed VI, Rabat; Aga Kahn Museum, Toronto; Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Foundation, Treviso; and Bibliothèque Nationale du Royaume du Maroc, Rabat.

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