Carla Salem
Follow ArtistBorn in Lebanon in 1978, Carla R. Salem is a papermaker and a printmaker whose work explores words and languages. Having lived in Japan for seven years, Salem merges the Japanese language and culture with her native Arabic. She explores the surface and texture of her self-made mulberry papers (washi) and emphasizes on its interaction with light. In 2014, she was awarded by the Boghossian Foundation Prize in Brussels.
- - 2014 in Agial Art Gallery in collaboration with The British Museum / Medina / Saudi Arabia
- The Graphic Design 20th Anniversary - 2013 in American University of Beirut / Beirut / Lebanon
- - 2012 in Moineau Gallery / tokyo / Japan
- - 2011 in Fine Arts Museum of the Tokyo University of Arts / tokyo / Japan

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