Ali Jaber
Follow ArtistAli Jaber is a Lebanese Multidisciplinary Artist based in Beirut. Equipped with a degree in Graphic Design, Ali is recognized for his signature that combines Innovation, Pop culture and Surrealism. His work varies from 2D and 4D digital art, to photography, animation, painting and sculpting. His work has been featured in “OSSO” Contemporary Italian Magazine in 2015, as well as across other international and local publications, websites and art related social media accounts. Despite his young age, Ali’s talent allowed him to exhibit several times in Beirut where he had two Solo and two group exhibitions. Starting as a self-taught artist, Ali has now more than 6 years of experience in the professional Art & Design field.
- ArtCreation2 - 2019 in Hotel Alexandre Achrafiye / Beirut / Lebanon
- Lebanon Tattoo Festival - 2019 in Biel / Beirut / Lebanon
- Makers Market BDW - 2018 in The Colony / Beirut / Lebanon
- APOCII - 2017 in Minus1 Tabaris / Beirut / Lebanon
- APOCALYPSE - 2017 in Artspace Hamra / Beirut / Lebanon