Sandra Detourbet
Follow ArtistSandra Detourbet is a French - German artist who graduated from the ENSAD (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs) in Paris, France, in 1996. A multidisciplinary artist, she is oriented towards pictorial improvisation, audio-visual production and live performance. Detourbet’s saturated and luminous compositions are comparable to chaotic sound compositions. Today, she works and resides in Ivry-sur-Seine, France.
- - 2018 in Galerie Jean-Lois Cleret / Guingamp / France
- - 2018 in Lyon Art Prospect International / Lyon / France
- - 2018 in Espace Coeurderoy / Yonne / France
- Beirut Art Fair - 2017 in / Beirut / Lebanon
- Zeuxis Hors Les Murs - 2016 in La Galcante / Paris / France

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