Faisal Alsadi
Follow ArtistThe artist Faisal Sharmuk Saadi was born in the city of Amara - Maysan (1939) graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts - Baghdad - 1965 .. Member of the Syndicate of artists and the Iraqi Fine Arts Association .. Member of the International Association of Fine Arts. The most important of his artistic contributions: In most exhibitions of the Iraqi Fine Arts Association in Baghdad, in the exhibition of contemporary Iraqi art in Amman 1994, the first Arab Biennale exhibition in Baghdad, the Ministry of Culture, the first Arab exhibition in Baghdad, a joint exhibition with Khudair al-Shukriji 1973, A large mural in the Iraqi radio and television building.
This great painter is one of the pioneers of the Iraqi Fine Art Movement, who followed in the footsteps of the international school owners from the great artists (Pablo Picasso, Monet, Dali and Van Koch). His paintings bear the power of creativity and sobriety in expressiveness in his various works of art.
Saadi stressed on more than one occasion that drawing, as an element of the modern art movement, in all directions, we have to draw inspiration from these civilizations and rely on their values and origins, in a manner that fits the possibilities available in our modern era, and without this important historical basis, The stage of abstraction, absolute abstraction, will end up in a meager art that is totally incompatible with the greatness of the modern development of our time, whether in its available tactical capabilities or in the development of its human relations. Many critics have written about this wonderful artist, Critic Mohammed al-Jazairi, who spoke about him in a bold critique and the contents of his paintings published in the Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab Al-Youm,
(Faisal Saadi was not outside the civility of innovation, when he chose a stylistic pairing between Impressionism and Cubism, he did not distort the scene, leaving to the eye freedom of roaming and obsession and investigation in the folds of the painting, the characters of the painting evidence, and no ambiguity ... Also, with this chromatic spectrum, the geometry of its interferences, the rainbow, does not lose meaning, nor refers to a childish innocence, but derives from the innocence its pure color, but consciously engaged, printed skill.
Faisal Al-Saadi believes that aesthetics alone do not enrich life. If it is lacking in the painting, it is a dynamic, he bet on the trio of creativity, aesthetic, moving in the painting because it is his artistic speech .. cosmic, architecture and archeology. Symbols and legends of rich mythology.. All this is the stock of the Saadi paintings, and the field of his statement .. But he did not convey all that, spontaneous readiness, but sucked and represent, he tries to emerge from the world of decorating, to influence the ocean: Space, and reception .. Not to hang, like an icon, within the decoration of the place, but to interact with its scenes, pull it to its magic, disintegration in front of its symbols and motifs, and their legendary and symbolic situations, and sometimes narrated.. The paintings of Faisal al-Saadi, color tracers, in which they love the spectra, symbols and faces, to say a story .. or to avoid a situation, seems broken through these color schemes, but it brings you from several sides .. And that its skill).. Therefore, the painter Faisal Saadi is one of the few artists who draw his paintings and his mixture of colors and use the way of expression of life and man through his beautiful brushes as a means of true expression of the status of man in the era of globalization and the state of life in the corridors of life and the loss in its eternal cosmic joy and its inevitable fate in eternal immortality, A reflection of the suffering and its constant pink glow.