Timur Akhmedov
Follow ArtistTimur Akhmedov is an artist from Uzbekistan, born in 1968 in Tashkent. Since 1990, he is a participant of many exhibitions in Uzbekistan, England, Scotland, Germany, Russia and a winner of Grand Prix Asia-Art. His works are characterised by high tension in the harmony of colour, attempt to return to harmony, both inside oneself, and between oneself and the world, attempt to find a link with the world, and at the same time to fly away from it to the better world. His state of mind, generally characteristic for artists is similar to mediation in prayer.
- World Art Dubai - 2016 in Andakulova Gallery / Dubai / United Arab Emirates
- Central Asia Art Month - 2015 in Andakulova Gallery / Abu Dhabi / United Arab Emirates
- The Rites of Spring - 2015 in Andakulova Gallery / Abu Dhabi / United Arab Emirates